Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Jake At One Month!

Jake is growning like a weed!! He now weigh 12lbs! This post is a little late, so I will catch you up with all that has been going on!! Jake has a cold, but is doing much better!! On Jan. 31 we had to take him to children's hospital due to his cold. Poor thing could not breathe through his nose!! They suctioned out his nose and tested the mucus for RSV, which came back negative, thank goodness!! Jake loves to be held, by me of course :)! He does not like to put down, so we are working on that!! He really is a great baby! He smiled today for the first time and it was so sweet! It was a real smile and not gas!!! He will be two months old before I know it!! Here are some more pics of baby Jake!!


Daniel Family said...

I looked at the pictures online...they are wonderful. Have you used this photographer before? I bet you were really pleased. He is beautiful. Jake is a big boy. Reid only weighs 13 pounds now. We are still struggling with the cough, mucous and wheezing. We are borrowing a nebulizer from Craig's sister today. I think that will help.