Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jake Turns 3 Months Old!!!!

Jake turned 3 months old on March 31st!! I can't believe it!! Time has gone by so fast!! Things that Jake are doing at three months are.......He is trying to find his thumb to suck on, He has figured out he has hands, He coos and smiles, which will melt your heart!! He is holding up his head better when placed on his stomach. He does not like lying on his stomach much, but he will have to learn how to use those muscles!!! He is losing alot of his hair from birth!! Drum roll.....He is sleeping through the night!!!!! :) Jake has started to really notice Gracie! His face lights up when she talks to him. He also loves his bath time! He never makes a peep while being washed!! He is really a good baby and God has blessed us so much with Jake in our lives! He makes our family complete, although a third child might not be that bad one of these days :o) If I can talk Brad into it!!! Jake will have his three month check-up next week and I will blog about his weight and other stats then. Here are some pics of Jake at three months. He is our big boy!!


All About the Bailey's said...

ok so I'm starting to see Brad some in little Jake....he is growing so fast...slow down Jake!

The Owen Family said...

Sweet little boy!!!