Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sweet & Sassy Gracie!!

Our sweet little Gracie is growing up on us!!! She does or says something new everyday!! I can't believe that on Mothers Day, she will have been potty trained for a year!!!! She is growing too fast for me and her daddy!! She really wants to argue about the clothes she puts on now!! It drives me crazy, but at least she is wanting to make choices. She loves to play outside and wear her pajamas in the middle of the day :o) She is wearing size 5 clothing now!! Not in the toddler section anymore :o( She does pay more attention to Jake. If he is not in her sight, she always asks "where is Jakie poo"! She is a very sweet girl who loves her grandparents and her Uncles, plus her new aunt Autumn. We cannot forget about Cassie (Wes's girlfriend). She always looks forward to Cassie coming to visit from Chicago!! She has been in gymnastics for almost a year now!! She is still enjoying "nastics" as she calls it. We thank God everyday for our sweet little girl and are enjoying every moment we get to spend with her. Here are some pics of Gracie painting in the kitchen!