Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jake's 6 Month Photos Part 2!!

Jake is 6 months old now!! Time has flown by!! It makes me sad that in 6 more months, he will be turning one!!! They grow up way too fast! I know that I say that all of the time, but I just can't belive it!!! He is now sitting up on his own! Still a little wobbly, but doing great! He graduated from physical therapy on Monday, yah!!!!! His therapy went great at children's hospital. I would reccomend the place to everyone! He had the best therapist! Jake's favorite thing to play with is his big sister Gracie!! She can make him laugh just by sneezing! It is so sweet to watch them play together!! As I always do, here are Jake's 6 month photos in his "little 6 month onesie!! Enjoy!