Sunday, December 7, 2008

35 weeks pregnant and counting!!!

Today, I am now 35 weeks pregnant!! I think Jake is getting so big that there is not much room for him to move around!!! I go to the doctor on Monday for my check-up and an ultrasound. They are checking to see what kind of position he is in. After this appointment I will start going every week until he arrives!! Gracie was born at 36 and a half weeks weighing 7pds and 5ounces. I finally feel like I have everything in order for his arrival!!! My bags are packed and ready to go!! I will keep everyone posted through email or our blog page, so keep checking in!!! Here is a pregnant pic that Brad took today!! My stomach is huge!!! Much larger this time than it was with Gracie!!! Please keep us in your prayers as we await Jake's arrival!!


All About the Bailey's said...

Jake might end up weighing more than Ethan!