Monday, December 15, 2008

36wks pregnant and counting!!

I am now 36wks pregnant!!! I had a dr's appt today and I am measuring at 37wks. My c-section date has changed from Jan. 2 to Monday Jan. 5. The reason for this is the dr that I scheduled with is not working that Friday. I want a dr that I am familiar with to be operating on me!!! So with that said there are two drs from my group on Monday Jan. 5 that I am more comfortable with!! Who knows, I may not have a choice if he comes early!! The group of drs that I go to are all great, but I have my favorties! The one that delivered Gracie is no longer with the group, but that is ok!! My favorite is Dr. James Shirk and he is the one that I chose first to do my c-section, but he is not going to be on call Friday or Monday. I don't think that my stomach can get any bigger!!! I can't even put my socks on anymore!!! Oh well, a small price to pay to finally get to hold Jake in my arms!! Please continue to keep us in your prayers for a healthy delivery and baby! Please pray for Gracie as she becomes a big sister and as this new little person enters our family, I pray that she does well with all the changes!!