Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sweet Baby Jake

Jake is doing great! He now weighs 13pounds!! He is smiling and cooing more everyday!! He likes to snuggle with you!! He is a sweet baby! He is still not sleeping throught the night, but I'm sure that will come someday soon I hope! He has a cold right now, but seems to be getting better. I can't believe he is almost 2 months old! Again, time is flying by!! He still has all of his hair that he was born with, but he does have the bald spot in the back! His baby acne is better some days. It flairs up one day and clear the next! I wish that it would go away! Here are some new pics of sweet baby Jake!!


Daniel Family said...

Your blog looks great. The kids are growing fast. Jake is so cute. I can't believe that he weighs 13 pounds. Reid weighed almost 14 at the emergency room 2 weeks ago. It doesn't look like Jake has lost any of his hair. His hair is so cute. It sounds like you are probably happy that this week has come to an end. Very eventful for the Owen Family. Reid still is producing mucous and be heard alittle purr this morning. I think that it just passes around but it stinks when the babies get it again. Warm weather can't come fast enough. Gracie and her little accident. I hate you all had to go through that. I know from working in the ER and doing it often, this is not a pleasant experience for anyone. Hope you all have a better week.

Daniel Family said...

When and where is the consignment sale that Stephanie is putting Caroline's stuff in? And is this the one that you normally are involved in? Leave me a comment on my blog and let me know. Thanks.