Thursday, November 6, 2008

Braxton Hicks Contractions!!!!

I am already having braxton hicks contractions!!! I started having them on Monday and they do get better when I lie down to rest. I had a drs appt on Thurs, but decided I better go in on Wed. It took two doctors to check my cervix!!!! Pregnant women out there know how painful that is!!!! She said that my cervix is very posterior, whatever that means! I just know that it hurt while they were checking!!! I am already 1cm dialated!!! My dr said that this was normal for a second pregnancy and no need to be worried! I am not due until the first of Jan!!!! I think baby Jake really wants to come sooner than what we think!!! Please keep us in your prayers that he does not come out until he is a healthy baby!!! Gracie kept asking me while we were there if Jake was coming yet and if she was going to be a big sister yet!!! It was very cute!! She likes to entertain everyone in the waiting room of the drs office!! She likes to say out loud the name of the patients that are called back after the nurse calls there name. Most of the time mispronouncing there names!! She is our funny girl!!!!